Sharjah is expanding its economy and has become one of the most lucrative industrial destinations for foreign investment. The Sharjah government recognizes the importance of the trade, service, and manufacturing sectors in the country's economy and has created policies to encourage foreign investment.
Flexible government schemes have played a critical role in gaining the trust of international investors, and have been primarily focused on the Emirate's rapid and continued economic majority. Furthermore, Sharjah's business growth trend is accurate because it has always maintained strong international economic ties and friendly trading relationships with a variety of countries.
In the United Arab Emirates, establishing a business in Sharjah is a way to establish long-term contacts and customer relationships, as well as to obtain consistent trade orders. Other reasons to consider forming a company in Sharjah include:
Sharjah is a tax haven (no corporate or income tax)
It has a modern legal framework
There are no foreign exchange controls, trade barriers, or quotas
Security of investment
Sundry incentives from the Government of Sharjah for investors
Sharjah allows 100% international company ownership
100% tax exemption for export, import, and all commercial levies
100% repatriation of profits and capital
Sharjah has provision for warehousing facilities where investors can store goods for up to 2 months for free
Presence of multiple local and foreign banks, and an advanced communication system